Ignatian Women Who Inspire Us

By Zandra Schiemann

This March, we celebrate “Women’s History Month” worldwide. OIS’s Ministerio Hispano Ignaciano continues their series from last year, Mujeres Ignacianas que nos Inspiran (Ignatian Women Who Inspire Us) recognizing Ignatian women who inspire us through their example and dedication.

These women work to promote Ignatian Spirituality, facilitate the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and train spiritual companions in Spanish.

Visit this page each week in March to learn more about their ministries and Ignatian charism. Leer en español.

This series is presented by OIS’s Ministerio Hispano Ignaciano. Click here to learn more about our Ignatian Hispanic Ministry.

Coordinators of the Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas (CHI)

Leaders Strengthening Their Faith and that of Their Communities

These women, leaders in their parishes, have committed themselves to the Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas (Hispanic Ignatian Communities) and have dedicated more than three years to comprehensive formation in Ignatian Spirituality, leadership, group management, and communication. 

This commitment, combined with their passion for service, has resulted in vibrant Hispanic Ignatian Communities in their parishes. These communities meet at least once a month to pray, engage in a Spiritual Conversation on a specific topic, and, most importantly, practice their faith through concrete actions that impact their surroundings. 

Read about these amazing women in their own words below.

If you are interested in learning more about the Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas (CHI) program, contact us at: info@ministeriohispanoignaciano.org

  • Alicia is the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community at St. Aedan Parish, Jersey City, NJ 

    An Encounter with God Through the Hispanic Ignatian Communities

    "I was born in Rockford, Illinois, but I decided to move to New Jersey in the hope of leaving behind a life marked by loneliness and abandonment. On my first day there, I met a gentleman in a diner who unexpectedly offered me a job. I could never have imagined that this simple conversation would transform my life. His stories and the way he cared for and supported his employees awakened a deep passion in me to help others.

    In my parish, Fr. Rocco Danzi, SJ, had been inviting the community to participate in the Hispanic Ignatian Communities (CHI) program for a while. However, many rejected the idea, claiming they didn’t have the time or interest. But when he spoke to me about the program, I realized his words deeply resonated with my beliefs and what I was already experiencing, based on what I had shared with him about my story.

    At first, my response was to say, no. I was going through a grieving process after the loss of my husband and wasn’t sure how I could take on more responsibilities in my life. However, every time I prayed to God for strength to overcome my sadness and depression, something incredible would happen: I received calls inviting me to meet Zandra Schiemann from the Office of Ignatian Spirituality of the East Province of the Jesuits.

    Without knowing it, God was speaking to me through these experiences. He was showing me that I was not alone and that there was a path of learning and growth waiting for me. Everything I had learned from that man in the diner—his selfless acts and generosity—was now inspiring me to do more.

    Every time I thought I would only attend one more meeting or listen to one more talk, something inside me encouraged me to continue. Today, in every program I participate in, I discover the purpose behind every person who comes into my life. In the faces of those I meet along the way, I see Jesus reflected.

    In the past, I struggled to understand when someone said that God has a plan for each of us. My life, full of ups and downs and tragedies, made it difficult to believe. But now I understand that my purpose is to extend a hand to those who, like me, face challenges in hearing and feeling God in their lives.

    Today, I am certain that God reveals Himself when we love and serve others, just as Jesus did with us. And I am sure that without the Hispanic Ignatian Communities and the programs of the Hispanic Ministry of the East Province, I would not have learned to see God in those around me, especially in those who, like I once did, face struggles and doubts in their faith." 

  • Rosemery is the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community at St. Anthony Parish, Long Island, NY.

    My Journey of Falling in Love with Ignatian Spirituality

    "My encounter with Ignatian Spirituality has been a true gift from God, a journey that began unexpectedly but has gradually become the essence of my spiritual life.

    It all started in 2006 when I moved to Oceanside, NY, and discovered that my new parish was Jesuit. At first, unknowingly, I began connecting with a way of living the faith that deeply resonated with me. There was something special about their way of speaking about God, their emphasis on prayer, discernment, and encountering Christ in everyday life.

    Over time, my desire to delve deeper into this spirituality grew. In 2019, I participated in the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises, guided by Fr. Donald Gannon, SJ. During this process, I discovered a more intimate and personal way of relating to God, learning to find Him in all things and living with greater interior freedom to carry out His will.

    My spiritual growth has not been a solitary journey. The Hispanic Ignatian Communities (CHI) have been instrumental in this process. Through them, I have had the opportunity to participate in programs offered by the Hispanic Ministry, such as the School of Ignatian Spirituality, silent retreats, Spiritual Exercises, and leadership training. These experiences have strengthened my faith and allowed me to share this richness with others.

    One of the most significant moments in this journey was in 2023-2024, when I had the grace of living the Spiritual Exercises with the Hispanic Ministry and the Casa Kino Ignatian Spirituality Center. This experience helped me to reaffirm my call to serve, deepen my prayer life, and discern more clearly God's presence in my life. Today, God has called me to continue this path, as I am currently training as a Spiritual Companion at Casa Kino.

    Gradually, I have come to understand the purpose for which I was created: 'To praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord.'

    This certainty has filled my heart with great peace and purpose. Today, I strongly feel that God is calling me to help others know Him, to share with them the joy and depth of this spirituality that has transformed my life.

    My journey with Ignatian Spirituality continues, with the desire to keep growing in God's love and in service to others, trusting fully that He continues to guide my steps, illuminate my path, and call me to an ever more wholehearted and generous commitment."

  • Nancy is the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community at the Parish of Our Lady of Presentation and Our Lady of Mercy in Brooklyn, NY.

    A Journey of Faith and Service - Seeking Ways to Share the Faith 

    "I am Puerto Rican and came to the United States when I was 17 years old. Currently, I serve as the coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community (CHI) at Our Lady of Presentation and Our Lady of Mercy Parish. 

    About six years ago, our church received a visit from the Jesuit fathers, and that moment marked the beginning of my journey with Ignatian Spirituality. I was deeply captivated by the life of St. Ignatius and his perseverance. 

    For over a year, we began participating in the formation programs offered by the Hispanic Ministry of the East Province, which led to the creation of the Hispanic Ignatian Community. 

    During one of our group meetings, we came up with the idea of sharing what we experienced in the Hispanic Ignatian Community meetings. Thanks to the support of Fr. Jack Fagan, SJ, we organized several "Mini-Retreats" for the entire parish community, holding them at the end of Sunday Masses. 

    These retreats followed a format similar to that of our regular meetings but were adapted to be shorter and more accessible. We, as members, shared with others what we had learned and lived in the CHI. This model was even adopted by other communities, who adjusted it to suit their own needs and contexts. 

    Additionally, we have had the opportunity to participate in the formation offered by the Hispanic Ministry of the Office of Ignatian Spirituality, as well as their Spiritual Conversation Groups, Retreats, and Ignatian Conferences. These experiences have allowed us to deepen our knowledge of Ignatian Spirituality and integrate it into our daily lives.

  • Marlene is the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community (CHI) at Our Lady of Assumption and Mount Carmel Parish in Staten Island, NY.

    My Journey with the Hispanic Ignatian Communities

    "I am Mexican and came to this country over 22 years ago. I am a wife, a mother of four children, and for more than two decades, I have been a parishioner at Our Lady of Assumption and Mount Carmel Parish in Staten Island, NY.

    My first experience with Ignatian Spirituality took place in 2009, thanks to my pastor, Fr. Hernán Paredes, SJ. However, it was in 2019 that I began participating in the Hispanic Ignatian Communities (CHI) program—a milestone that, for the glory of God, marked a new chapter in my faith journey.

    It all started when, during retreats and gatherings at my parish, I received an invitation from one of the parish leaders to attend training and preparation sessions for guides at the Jesuit Province headquarters in New York. After completing these sessions, I was entrusted with coordinating two communities in my parish—one in Spanish and another in Mixteco. I had the support of two guides trained alongside me: Maribel Mejía and Andrés Fabián Margarito. 

    Since then, I became the link between the CHI and the Ignatian Spirituality Office. My role involves receiving and sharing information about programs and events, as well as organizing and guiding the community’s meetings. 

    As a fully established community, our parish work is rooted in service. We participate in various programs, including the Wednesday evening Mass at 7 p.m., where each CHI member has a specific role.

    Additionally, we actively engage in the formation programs of the Hispanic Ministry, Spiritual Conversation Groups, retreats, online events, and some of us are involved in the School of Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises program via Zoom with the Casa Kino Ignatian Spirituality Center

    Thanks to the opportunities provided by the Ignatian Spirituality Office, we have been able to connect with people from other states, sharing experiences and learning from their ways of living the faith—an experience that has been profoundly inspiring. 

    For me, being part of the CHI has been an immense blessing. I had the honor of meeting Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Jesuits, and of participating in the Spiritual Exercises via Zoom with Father Jorge Ochoa, SJ.

    I also had the privilege of collaborating on the recording of the Guided Daily Examen of Saint Ignatius, a resource now used to train others as guides for the Hispanic Ignatian Communities. 

    As a wife and mother, I have found Ignatian Spirituality to be the best option within the Church to live my faith. Thanks to God, the Office of Ignatian Spirituality and the CHI program, I have learned to embrace the way of proceeding left to us by Saint Ignatius—a path of service, learning, and love for others."

Rita Rodríguez 

A Journey of Faith: “Discovering Ignatian Spirituality in My Life”

Born in Cuba, Ignatian spirituality has been a constant presence in Rita Rodríguez’s life since a very young age. Today, Ignatian spirituality guides her way of being in the world, motivating her to deepen her relationship with God and to help others do the same. She currently serves as the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community (CHI) at St. Ignatius Parish in Chestnut Hill, MA.

Rita studied accounting at the Business School in Puerto Rico, believing it would be her way of making a living. Upon moving to New York, an economics professor encouraged her to continue her education, leading her to obtain a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Economics from NYU.

She worked as a Senior Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University for 10 years, served for 17 years in the Federal Government in Washington, and taught at a university in Boston for a decade. Rita was the first female professor at the Harvard University Business School.

Rita was part of the initial design of the Hispanic Ignatian Community (CHI) program. She is now the Coordinator of the Hispanic Ignatian Community at St. Ignatius Parish in Boston, MA, where she also volunteers as the leader of the Immigration Committee. Additionally, she works independently as a spiritual director, which has allowed her to delve deeply into the richness of Ignatian Spirituality and share it with those seeking to live their faith in daily life and strengthen their relationship with God.

  • I was born in Cuba and came to the United States at the age of 16. I currently live in Boston and am part of the Jesuit parish of St. Ignatius in Chestnut Hill, MA.

    My journey in Ignatian Spirituality began almost unintentionally. During my childhood at school, spiritual retreats led by Jesuit priests marked my first steps into this spirituality, although I was not aware of its significance at the time. Years later, while working with the Jesuits and discussing retreats, I realized that those moments were deeply connected to the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian pedagogy.

    Ignatian Spirituality has been a constant presence in my life, gradually revealing itself over the years. While at university in Puerto Rico, I had a Jesuit priest as my confessor, which continued to strengthen this connection. Later, my work with the Jesuits in Washington further solidified my commitment to this way of life.

    For me, faith and Ignatian Spirituality have been central to my life, inspiring me to go deeper each day. This spirituality, lived out in the everyday, deeply resonates with me because it finds God in daily experiences: in work, in challenges, and in acts of kindness and compassion. It is a way of drawing closer to God that not only enriches my life but allows me to live my faith in a tangible and authentic way.

    My participation in the Hispanic Ignatian Communities (CHI) has been the most recent step in this journey. This wonderful project brings Ignatian Spirituality to communities that, like me in the beginning, may not have had the opportunity to discover this richness. The CHI provides a space to find God in daily life, through prayer, conversation, and putting faith into action.

    As for my education, I studied up to high school in Cuba and then accounting at the Business School, thinking this would be my way to make a living. Upon arriving in New York, an economics professor encouraged me to continue my studies, which led me to complete a bachelor's degree in Economics, then a master's degree, and finally a doctorate in International Finance. I also taught as a university professor for 10 years, teaching master’s students at the university in Washington.

    If I could offer advice to someone wishing to learn about Ignatian Spirituality, it would be this: the best way to learn is by finding a group that practices Ignatian-style prayer. The Hispanic Ignatian Communities are a perfect example of how, through practice, one learns to pray and live this spirituality in everyday life.

Sandra Corona, Ph.D

Sharing Ignatian Spirituality through the Spiritual Exercises and the Formation of Companions

Sandra Corona is the co-founder of Casa Kino, Ignatian Spirituality Center, coordinator of the initial and advanced training programs for Spiritual Companions in Spanish, and with others, the facilitator of online Spiritual Exercises.

Sandra holds a Doctorate in Educational Sciences from IBERO Tijuana, Mexico, a Master’s in Bilingual Transcultural Education from National University, USA, and a degree in Educational Psychology from ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Her vast experience has enabled her to design training and Exercises programs offered in collaboration with Jesuits from the United States, Mexico, Spain, and South America.

The Ignatian Hispanic Ministry of the Eastern Province, with the valuable assistance of Casa Kino, has facilitated online Spiritual Exercises in Spanish for over 110 immigrant individuals living in the United States over the last two years. The program ensures that each exercitant has a spiritual companion trained and supervised by Casa Kino.

If you are interested in participating in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Spanish and live in the United States, contact us at: info@ministeriohispanoignaciano.org.

Hermana Dolores Aleixandre, RSCJ 

Creator of Spaces for Women in the Church

A Sister of the Sacred Heart, Dolores Aleixandre, holds a degree in Bible and Theology and has also been a professor of Sacred Scripture at the Jesuit University of Comillas in Madrid, Spain.

She has written numerous books and has dedicated her life to giving the Spiritual Exercises, retreats, and lectures on biblical and spiritual topics.

Her publications include "Five Landscapes of Easter," "Telling Jesus," "Contemplation to Achieve Love," and more.

Sister Dolores currently lives in a community whose congregation is located in a neighborhood of Madrid. She is dedicated to accompanying people who participate in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius and working for an association that helps immigrants.

You will find more about her life at Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón.

Hermana Norma Pimentel, MJ

A Light for Migrants on the United States Border

Known as "the nun or the angel of migrants," Sister Norma, a Mexican-American nun has dedicated her life and work to helping and defending the thousands of people who arrive at the United States border each year in search of a hopeful future for themselves and their families.

Sister Norma has received numerous awards for her work at Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande in Brownsville, Texas. She was recognized in a public message from Pope Francis for her inspirational work with immigrants. For this reason, she is also known as "the Holy Father's favorite nun." (Mensaje público del Papa Francisco)

You can find more about Sister Norma Pimentel, MJ, at the following links:

We also invite you to learn more about one of the four Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Jesuits, Walking with the Excluded, at the following link: Walking with the Excluded.

Margaret Silf

The Examen: A Window to Our Feelings

A great writer and lecturer, Margaret Silf was born in the United Kingdom and converted to Catholicism at the age of 20.

Later, after studying with the Jesuits, she discovered that her faith had "come alive." She dedicated herself to sharing Ignatian Spirituality with others through her writing and by leading Ignatian Retreats.

After a few years, Margaret left her profession as a technical editor for the IT industry and dedicated herself entirely to creative writing. Her writings spring from personal prayer and, by revealing her own journey with God, make Ignatian Spirituality accessible to people without theological training.

Among her many books, we can find in Spanish: "In the Company of Christ" and "One Hundred Stories to Attain Wisdom." You will find more about her life at Heroes of the Ignatian Tradition: Margaret Silf.

Margaret also joined the participants of OIS’s Contemplative Leaders in Action in October 2021 to present the workshop, “The Role of Discernment in Ignatian Spirituality.” Watch below.


Ignatian Retreat “Orando como Ignacio” at the Parish of St. Anne, Rock Hill, South Carolina