News and Other Stories from OIS
En Todo Amar y Servir: In All Things to Love and Serve
Two elements of the Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas make them particularly remarkable. The first is their community approach to Ignatian spirituality ministry. The second is their proximity to those on the margins of society.
CLA 2021: Diversity and Inclusion in CLA
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I invite you to watch this short video on diversity and inclusion in CLA.
Meet Elise Gower, Our New Associate Director for CLA
We are excited to welcome Elise Gower as our new Associate Director for Contemplative Leaders in Action and the newest member of our Ignatian Young Adult Ministries team!
Responding to the Assault on Our Nation’s Capitol
We need to honor the shock and grief we are currently experiencing, and we need to acknowledge that there will be no moving forward together without a profound experience of reconciliation and healing.
OIS Newsletter: January 2021
Let us keep our eyes on our Lord, Jesus Christ, who knows our pain, remains with us through it, and will supply the grace we need.
Pope’s Prayer Intention: January 2021
This month Pope Francis is asking us to join him in praying for Human Fraternity. We pray that the Lord may give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.
Christmas Prayers
These two Christmas prayers come from the USA East Jesuit Province. Also, check out this video reflection by Fr. Jason Downer, SJ.
Ignatian Spirituality Courses and Certificate at the BC School of Theology and Ministry
The Boston College School of Theology and Ministry has a number of upcoming educational opportunities for teachers, ministers, and anyone interested in Ignatian spirituality.
OIS Newsletter: December 2020
The coming of Christ promises renewal for each of us individually and for our world. True peace, joy, and love are sorely needed. In a year like 2020, let us not lose sight of the Source of our hope, and prepare our hearts to welcome Him when He comes.
Advent 2020 Resources
Resources from across the Ignatian community to accompany you and deepen your prayer during this season of preparation.
OIS Newsletter: November 2020
In many ways, Thanksgiving is a very Ignatian holiday. We give thanks for what we have and care for those less fortunate. Let us keep our focus on these two simple practices over the next few weeks. Let us allow God to surprise us, show us joy in new places, and experience God's love in new ways.
Pope Francis' Prayer Request For November 2020
This month Pope Francis is asking us to join him in praying for Artificial Intelligence. We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.
Comunidad Ignaciana in Massachusetts Raises Support to Help Provide Healthcare to Migrants at the US-Mexico Border
The members of OIS's Comunidad Ignaciana at St. Ignatius Parish in Chestnut Hill, MA, are putting their faith into action by raising funds to help pay for medical staff hours that are desperately needed at the Casa del Migrante in Juárez, Mexico.
An Expanded Version of St. Ignatius Loyola’s “Suscipe” Prayer
The Suscipe prayer comes from the “Contemplation to Attain God’s Way of Loving” in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. The version below is based on André des Freux, SJ’s Latin translation and was adapted and expanded by Brian O. McDermott, SJ, Martina O’Shea, and Barton Geger, SJ.
OIS Newsletter: October 2020
With our nation and local communities battered by an ongoing public health crisis, a highly contentious election, and so much more, it can be difficult to remain grounded. Let us respond in ways that are inspired and guided by our spirituality, and let us continue to deepen that spirituality through prayer, reflection, and study.
OIS Newsletter: September 2020
As we continue to move through this extraordinary year, aware of the tremendous pain and disorientation around the world and around the country, let us remain committed to discovering God in it all. And may this discovery help us to focus outwards, in loving service to those in need.