Holy Week 2021


Thinking back to Holy Week last year reminds me of how challenging and uncertain those early weeks of the pandemic were.

This year, we can live into the spirit of the coming week more deeply. We can feel Lent winding down, and while we are still burdened by the pandemic, we can also see that a better, more hopeful time is ahead of us.

Let us spend this week with Jesus, uniting our pain and suffering with his, and leaning into his great promise of resurrection and new life.

Ways to pray this week:

  • Our Lenten Audio Retreat concludes this week with "Awake & Surrender." Spend eight minutes in prayerful reflection with our young adult community.

  • Pray the Stations of the Cross with this excellent online version from Busted Halo (o rece El Camino de la Cruz con nuestras Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas, usando las meditaciones del Papa Francisco).

  • También en español, las siete palabras de nuestro señor Jesus en audio de CHI están aquí.

  • Pray the Examen. Check out our Good Friday Examen from last year.

We also have a long list of other Lenten opportunities and ways to pray, offered by OIS and our partners across the Ignatian community. Have a blessed Holy Week.

- Rev. George M. Witt, SJ, Executive Director


OIS Newsletter: April 2021


Moments of Remembrance: 365 Days of Lives Lost to the Pandemic