Learning to find God in all things.
Ignatian Spirituality:
The Christian spiritual tradition inspired by St. Ignatius Loyola and based on the Spiritual Exercises.
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality (OIS), a ministry of the Jesuits on the East Coast, works to create opportunities for people to experience the Spiritual Exercises and teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola through the promotion of Ignatian prayer, spiritual direction, formation, and young adult and Hispanic ministries and outreach.
Make a Retreat
Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in daily life. But once in a while it is important to get away to spend quiet time with God — an evening, a day, a weekend, a week.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction has been described as “help given by one Christian to another” which helps that person deepen their relationship with God.
The Spiritual Exercises
“The Spiritual Exercises” refers to both a book and a retreat experience. The book was written by St. Ignatius Loyola based on his own spiritual journey.
Welcome to Ignatian.info
Ignatian.info is here to help you learn about Ignatian spirituality: what it is, where it comes from, and how to practice it.
If this is entirely new to you and Google brought you here, welcome! What follows is for you. If you have practiced Ignatian spirituality for years, many of the resources below can help you find God in new ways.
There are many excellent sources on Ignatian spirituality. We have collected some that we think are the best or have been the most helpful to us. Ultimately, the goal is to develop a friendship with Jesus and to live as people for others. However the Spirit leads us there, may we follow.
Let’s get started.
What is Ignatian Spirituality? Here’s a quick introduction.
“The Spiritual Exercises” refers to both a book and a retreat experience. The book was written by St. Ignatius Loyola based on his own spiritual journey and is a collection of prayers, meditations, and notes meant to guide those making the retreat. Learn more.
Learn more about the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) and the Society of Jesus (i.e. the Jesuits).
The Examen is a prayer of reflection. There are no specific words, only guidelines for you as you review your day — your actions, thoughts, emotions, desires — with God. Pray the Examen.
Ignatian discernment, sometimes called “discernment of spirits,” is the spiritual discipline of noticing the movements within your heart and soul — your desires, thoughts, emotions — and identifying where they are coming from and where they are leading you. Learn more.
Ignatian leadership is a way of being in the world deeply rooted in Ignatian spirituality and informed by a “way of proceeding” found in the Jesuit tradition. Learn more.
There are a few methods of prayer that are central to the Ignatian way of proceeding. Learn more.
“Works of love directed to one's neighbor are the most perfect external manifestation of the internal grace of the Spirit” (Pope Francis). Learn more about Ignatian spirituality and social justice.
“As a Jesuit, I live and breath Ignatian spirituality. It has become the doorway through which I see possibility in a world that is broken by racism.” - Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ.
Learn more.
Jesuit Saints, Blessed, and Other Important Feast Days for the Ignatian Community. View the lectionary.
Spiritual direction has been described as “help given by one Christian to another” which helps that person deepen their relationship with God.
Learn more. | Find a spiritual director.
Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in daily life. But once in a while it is important to get away to spend quiet time with God — an evening, a day, a weekend, a week. Find a retreat.
Go deeper.
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EspiritualidadIgnaciana.info está aquí para ayudarte a aprender y profundizar sobre la espiritualidad ignaciana: qué es, de dónde viene y cómo practicarla.