Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction: “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God's personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”
- “The Practice of Spiritual Direction,” by William A. Barry, SJ, and William J. Connolly, SJ

Are you a spiritual director?
If you are a trained spiritual director, we have a number of resources and programs for you (this page is intended for those of you interested in learning about or receiving spiritual direction). Click here to learn more about resources and opportunities for directors and to register in our catalog of Ignatian spiritual directors.
Spiritual Direction: Discerning God’s Presence in Your Life
(3 minute read)
Go Deeper.
Check out this article called “What is Distinctive About Ignatian Spiritual Direction?” from IgnatianSpirituality.com. (2 minute read)

“Spiritual direction provides an ‘address’ on the house of your life so that you can be ‘addressed’ by God in prayer. When this happens, your life begins to be transformed in ways you hadn’t planned or counted on, for God works in wonderful and surprising ways.”
– Henri Nouwen
What is Spiritual Direction?
Three spiritual directors and members of our Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) community explain what spiritual direction is, share some of their own experiences in direction, and talk about how important it is as a resource for Ignatian leaders in today’s complex world.
(6 minutes, 47 seconds)
Go Deeper.
Spiritual Direction: Inviting God in and Exploring the Mystery
Jesuit Connections and Jocelyn Collen, M.Div. and spiritual director, explore what spiritual direction is and how it can impact your faith.
(25 minutes, 39 seconds)

Find a Spiritual Director
Our Catalog of Spiritual Directors can help you find a trained spiritual director in your area, or connect you with one online. Complete a brief form and our team will connect you with an available director.