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Back to the Basics and Beyond: Exploring Key Components of Ignatian Spiritual Direction 

Program Date: Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025; 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm ET
Program Fee: $25.00
(The ISDI offers generous financial assistance for those in need of it. Click here to apply.)
Presenter: Anita Wood (
view bio)
Click here to register.

Have you ever pondered what it means to be an Ignatian spiritual director? 

Some might say that Ignatian spiritual direction explores the deepest desires of the human heart and facilitates the discernment of spirits. Others might describe an Ignatian Spiritual Director as one who has experienced the Spiritual Exercises and is able to draw from them when offering spiritual accompaniment. Still others might not really know but long to learn more.

This program is the first in an annual series exploring the basic building blocks of Ignatian spiritual direction as well as topics that take us beyond the beginnings. This series will provide opportunities for spiritual directors to revisit the basics – which may look different when viewed through the lens of time in an increasingly complex world – and reach beyond.  

This lead-off program will provide an exploration of several key components of Ignatian spiritual direction, including:

  • an Ignatian approach to spiritual direction

  • assessing a person’s readiness for spiritual direction

  • exploring images of God and relationships with God

  • wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises available to Ignatian spiritual directors

This program is open to all spiritual directors – new, seasoned and everywhere in-between – especially all who are eager to learn more about Ignatian spiritual direction. It will be recorded and all registered participants will receive a link to the recording.

Register with the form below.

About Our Presenter

Anita Wood is currently a co-instructor in the Developing a Listening Heart Spiritual Direction Formation program at Fairfield University’s Murphy Center. She previously acted as a spiritual director and giver of the Spiritual Exercises on the staff of the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth in Wernersville, PA. A spiritual director, supervisor, and retreat leader for two decades, Anita has a Doctor of Ministry from Lancaster Theological Union, with a specialization in the spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin, an M. Ed. from Boston College in Religious Education, certificates in spiritual direction from Shalem Institute and Wernersville’s Jesuit Center programs in individual spiritual direction and retreat direction, and a supervision certificate from Neumann University.


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