Charis offers retreat materials in the Jesuit tradition designed for those in their 20s and 30s.

About Charis
Charis was founded in 2000 by the then Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus to reach out to young people with the unique gift of Ignatian Spirituality. St. Ignatius of Loyola challenges us to find God in all things. Charis helps young adults see this grace or charis in the midst of transitions in careers and relationships, in their struggles and joys.
In 2009, the retreat program expanded throughout the country, with the Charis Partner Program training parishes, dioceses, retreat houses, and other communities.
In 2017, Charis became part of Ignatian Young Adult Ministries, a program of the Office of Ignatian Spirituality. Charis continued to train and support partners around the country.
Today, Charis materials are being used in retreats and other prayer and reflection offerings. If you are interested in using Charis materials in your programs, please fill out the form below.
Why Charis?
Designed to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, Charis retreats can be easily adapted to reach young adults where they are. They are designed to be peer-led experiences for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Each retreat can be offered as a one day, overnight, or weekend format, or the materials can be used in other contexts to best serve your community.
There are eight retreat themes (see below), all rooted in Ignatian spirituality, and each includes talk outlines, sample retreat schedules, small-group leadership training, and prayer service scripts.

Retreat Info
Life is busy, stressful and frenetic. If you are in your 20s and 30s, you are in a nearly constant state of transition and facing a multitude of unanswered questions. It’s also hard to find the right opportunity and discipline to take the time to pause.
Charis peer-led retreat experiences give the gift of the “forced pause” to young men and women: time off to think, reflect, pray and see where God is working in their lives at that very moment. They are rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola and invite participants to share their own lived experiences and their histories with each other through talks and small group discussions.
Connect with peers interested in exploring the role that faith plays in their decisions and relationships
Encounter God’s presence in their daily lives
Grow in faith, aided by practical and spiritual tools that help them navigate life’s transitions and challenges.
Retreat Themes
When asked, “Why are you Catholic?” have you ever found yourself simply responding, “My parents baptized me Catholic.” “I was raised Catholic.” “My family has always been Catholic."
Connect with a community of individuals who want the world to be a better place, who strive to show others love. Encounter and reflect on your faith story, as you consider what it means to be Catholic. Grow in affirmation of why your faith, actions of love, and experience of God express why you choose to be Catholic.
Are you looking to reflect upon how you respond to Pope Francis’ call to serve?Have you had a service experience where you have encountered injustice or those living on the margins?
Join with others to:
Connect with others who are passionate about issues of justice
Encounter the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching by reflecting on your own experiences of service
Grow in your commitment to respond to the Gospel call in your daily life -
Friend. Teacher. Confidant. When you think of Jesus, what comes to your mind? When Jesus thinks of you, what comes to His mind? If you could meet Jesus today, what would you say? What would He say to you?
Connect with Jesus and others of faith as they seek to consider who Christ is in their own life, in others, and in the world. Encounter His humanity by walking the Gospel stories with Jesus and reflecting on your relationship with Him. Grow in the love you share for each other and for those around you.
Pope Francis reminds us that, “[St. Ignatius] pointed out two criteria on love. The first: love is expressed more clearly in actions than in words. The second: there is greater love in giving than in receiving.”
Connect with your spouse and other newly married couples, taking a step back from your busy lives and embracing the gift of uninterrupted time together. Encounter the ways in which God is active and present in your journey as a married couple. Grow in your understanding of how your marriage can be a sign of hope and love in the world.
Do you consider yourself a spiritual or religious person? Are you searching for answers about your faith, your life, or your relationships? Are you seeking a down-to-earth approach to your spirituality?
Connect with others seeking to answer similar questions about their lives. Encounter the ways in which you and God have been experiencing each other in your own life’s story through the example and words of St. Ignatius Loyola. Grow in discovering the ways in which God is present in all things and how through prayer and discernment, you can begin to answer those questions weighing on your heart. “Seek, and you shall find.
Do you ever find yourself asking, “Who is God calling me to be? What is God calling me to do? Am I in the right place today? Where am I going tomorrow?” Pope Francis urges us, “Do not bury your talents, the gifts that GOD has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!”
Connect with others experiencing similar big decisions in their life about their vocation, career, marriage, and relationships. Encounter God in your decision-making process by reflecting on His active presence in your yesterday, today and tomorrow. Grow to a deeper understanding of what your gifts and talents are calling you to.
Have you made the conscious decision not just to teach, but to teach in a Catholic school? Is your faith an integral part of your life and your career? Are you looking for a community of teachers whose connection goes beyond lesson plans?
Connect with other teachers in Catholic schools who share your passion for faith-based education. Encounter Jesus, himself a teacher, who plays a pivotal role in your faith and the faith of your students. Grow in commitment to following Jesus’ as a Catholic educator.
Transition (noun): the process of letting go of the way things used to be and taking hold of the way they are or will be. Whether you are graduating from college, transitioning jobs, moving to a new city, getting married, or even having just lost a loved one, transitions in life are not always easy. Though they can be joyous, they can also be stressful. Though exciting, they can painful. And though appearing transparent, they can be confusing.
Connect and share with others yearning to reflect on the changes taking place in their lives. Encounter the ways in which God is ever present in those moments of uncertainty. Grow to find a deeper and more grace-filled understanding of how one’s faith in God is active in our journey of transition.
¿Te consideras una persona espiritual o te importa la religión? ¿Estás buscando respuestas acerca de la fe, la vida, o las relaciones? ¿Estás buscando una espiritualidad que funciona en tu vida cotidiana?
Conecta con otros con quien te puedes relacionar acerca de preguntas de la vida. Encuentra las maneras en que tu y Dios se han relacionado a través de su propia historia de la vida por medio del ejemplo y las palabras de San Ignacio de Loyola. Descubre las maneras en que Dios está presente en todas cosas y como a través de la oración y discernimiento, te puedes contestar tantas preguntas pesadas en el corazón. “Busca y encontraras.”
Cristo vive en nuestro matrimonio: El Papa Francisco nos recuerda que, “San Ignacio señalo dos criterios en el amor. El primero: el amor se expresa más claro en acciónes que en palabras. El segundo: se encuentra mas amor en dar que en recibir.”
Conecta con tu esposo y otras parejas recién casadas, tomando un descanso de la vida ocupada y abrazando el regalo del tiempo junto sin interrupción. Encuentra las maneras en que Dios actúa y está presente en su camino como pareja casada. Crece en tu entendimiento de como el matrimonio puede ser un signo de esperanza y amor en el mundo.
*Indicates some retreat materials are also available in Spanish
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Charis is an offering of Ignatian Young Adult Ministries, an initiative of the Jesuits East Office of Ignatian Spirituality.
For more information about Charis, please contact Lauren Gaffey.