One Ignatian Community | Una Sola Comunidad Ignaciana

On May 19, 2021, OIS hosted “One Ignatian Community | Una Sola Comunidad Ignaciana,” a 30-minute bilingual prayer service to mark the launch of the Ignatian Year.

As our nation turns toward a more hopeful future, Fr. Joseph M. O’Keefe, SJ, provincial of the USA East Province, and others reflected on the vision of the Ignatian Year to deepen our practice of Ignatian spirituality and find new possibilities for ourselves and for our world.

We hope that all those who are inspired by Ignatian spirituality will embark with us on a shared journey to “see all things new in Christ.”

About the Ignatian Year:

On May 20, 2021, the Society of Jesus and the Ignatian family will begin the worldwide celebration of the Ignatian Year. On that day, 500 years ago, St Ignatius was wounded by a cannonball while defending Pamplona. For him, it was a major failure and a change of plans in what he envisioned for his future, full of riches and worldly exploits. However, this failure started a process of conversion, which led Ignatius to have bigger dreams, no longer centered on himself, but rather on God. It helped St. Ignatius to see all things new in Christ.

As announced by Father General Arturo Sosa, SJ in a letter announcing the Ignatian Year, we celebrate this year to remind us of the daily opportunity to experience a new conversion and to live a transforming experience. It is a call to allow the Lord to reveal to us a new enthusiasm, interior and apostolic, a new life, new ways of following Christ.

"To see all things new in Christ."