News and Other Stories from OIS
A Message for Christmas
We wish you and your family a very merry Christmas! When you have a moment, watch our 2-minute video reflection for Christmas and pray this simple prayer with us.
Pope’s Prayer for December 2021: Catechists
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying for, catechists. ”Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
OIS Newsletter: December 2021
During this Advent season and on today’s feast, I am asking God for these graces given to Xavier. Join me in this prayer, if you feel God inviting you.
Advent 2021: Resources for a Season of Preparation
We compiled a list of the prayers, events, and other resources that are helping us deepen our prayer and grow closer to God during this season of preparation. Some of these resources are our own, and others are offered by our partners across the Ignatian community.
Provisions for the Journey to Bethlehem: Brief Reflections on the Daily Scriptures During Advent
Writer and spiritual director Elaine Ireland offers short reflections on the daily readings during Advent.
Let Us Be Grateful
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying some time off today with family and friends.
Advent 2021 Audio Reflections
All are invited to pray and reflect alongside OIS’s young adult community during this season of Advent. Audio reflections and readings will available on a weekly basis to all who wish to join in prayer. Sign up today!
OIS Newsletter: November 2021
We are all called to holiness, and we can all ask God for the grace to be counted among the saints.
CLA Pilots Its First All-Virtual Cohort
Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) recruited and launched its first Virtual Cohort this fall in a world now accustomed to life online.
“En Camino con Ignacio,” Episode 3
In this video for the Ignatian year, Jesuit Father General Arturo Sosa invites us to see the world as Jesus sees it, avoiding the temptations of ideologies and focusing on living in solidarity with others.
Grupo de Conversación Espiritual “En Camino con Ignacio”
Conformado por laicos, laicas y jesuitas de distintos lugares de los Estados Unidos, este grupo se reúne por Zoom una vez al mes para tener una conversación espiritual a partir de la lectura del libro “En Camino con Ignacio.”
“En Camino con Ignacio:” OIS’s Hispanic Ministry Hosts Spiritual Conversation Group During the Ignatian Year
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality’s Hispanic Ministry has 15 gathered lay people and Jesuits, a handful of members and coordinators of OIS’s Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas, and others engaged in Ignatian ministry in Spanish around the country for faith sharing and spiritual conversation based on the book “Walking with Ignatius,” by Jesuit Father General Arturo Sosa.
OIS Newsletter: October 2021
Creation is a gift, and one we need to care for. As we notice the fall colors, let us take some time to thank God for this gift and reflect on the ways we use, or misuse, God's Creation.
En Camino con Ignacio
Jesuit Father General Arturo Sosa publishes a video each month during the Ignatian Year as a companion to his book Walking with Ignatius. You are invited to walk the journey of the Ignatian year with him.
Pope’s Prayer for Oct. 2021: Missionary Disciples
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying for, “missionary disciples.” Read reflections and watch the video from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
Pope’s Prayer for Sept. 2021: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying for, an environmentally sustainable lifestyle.
OIS Newsletter: September 2021
The Ignatian Year invites us to get to know God in new ways. God is in all things, but it is through prayer that we recognize God's presence. So, let us begin with prayer.
JESUITS Magazine: “Introducing Carlos Aedo”
Carlos Aedo is the Executive Director of OIS. In a recent conversation, Carlos shared his thoughts on the Ignatian Year, parenting, and discovering who we really are as children of God. This conversation has been edited for clarity and length. This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of JESUITS magazine, a publication of the USA East Jesuit Province.
Pope’s Prayer Intention for August 2021: The Church
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying for the Church, “that She may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.”