What does it mean to be Ignatian today?(Day of Prayer for CHI) 

Last month, more than 60 members of the Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas  met for the online program, What does it mean to be Ignatian today?, part of a Day of Prayer and Reflection guided by Fr. Javier Bailén, SJ.  (Watch the video above.)

 Fr. Javier is a Spanish Jesuit who is currently pursuing his degree in Theology at Boston College with research in the area of ​​spirituality linked to the world of sports.

He is also passionate about social networks.  He has a channel on Instagram and YouTube where he uploads content about his life and Ignatian formation. 

Leer en español.

To learn more about this offering and other programs OIS offered in Spanish, visit MinisterioHispanoIgnaciano.org.


November 2024 Newsletter


Listening to God like Ignacio