Office of Ignatian Spirituality

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Supreme Court Decision on DACA

by Carlos Aedo and Zandra Schiemann

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Today, we thank God for the Supreme Court's decision which blocks the current administration from ending DACA. In the last few months, we have been witnesses to many families’ enduring uncertainty as they awaited a decision on DACA. We abide in deep gratitude today.

Especially on behalf of members of our Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas — Hispanic Ignatian communities — we want to thank to the Jesuit parishes, pastors, and their members. The parishes helped numerous people complete their applications to DACA, find funds for the process, and offered accompaniment to families who were uncertain of how to proceed.

Thank you, as well, to the Office of Ignatian Spirituality and its staff.  With their support and prayers, Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas have flourished and have motivated men and women to ask themselves how their faith moves them to action.

Thank you, as well, to the Jesuit Provincials.  Since the beginning, they have come out in support of DACA and have been in contact with legislators. In particular, thanks to Frs. John Cecero, SJ, and Robert Hussey, SJ, from the Maryland and USA Northeast Provinces.

Thank you, as well, to the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities which has supported DACA and motivated Jesuit universities to help DACA individuals matriculate to their institutions of higher learning.

Thank you, as well, to the Ignatian Solidarity Network which has mobilized adults and young people in the Ignatian family in defense of DACA for the past few years. This network has educated and nurtured thousands of men and women as they unite their faith with justice.

Still, there is much to do.  We must continue to fight to protect not only the recipients of DACA but their entire families. We must not forget those currently seeking asylum who have found closed doors along our borders.

Our faith is one that demands action. Our Ignatian path is one of justice. As an Ignatian family, days like today help us remember that as a body in communion with Jesus Christ we are capable of doing great things, living the “magis,” and building up of the Kingdom of God.

May God continue to bless us,

Carlos Aedo, Director of Hispanic Ministries

Zandra Schiemann, Program Coordinator, Ignatian Hispanic Ministries