Examen Live! with the Ignatian Volunteer Corps

Mary McGinnity and Mike Mothes from the Ignatian Volunteer Corps joined us to lead our prayer on Friday, June 19, at 12:30pm.

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Mary, president and CEO of IVC since 2009, has given service to IVC as Regional Council and National Board member and spiritual reflector.  A graduate of College of the Holy Cross, she holds a master's degree in Pastoral and Clinical Counseling from Iona College and a certification in Executive Non-Profit Management from Georgetown University. Prior to 2009, she served as the executive director of the Department for Justice and Service/Social Concerns for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. Her earlier career included 15 years of direct clinical work in the mental health field and executive director of a parish-based community mental health clinic while also serving as a pastoral associate. She has over thirty years of experience in both public and private non-profit social service senior level management, having founded or co-founded three social service non-profit organizations. She serves on the boards of three non-profits.


Mike is the Ignatian Volunteer Corps Regional Director in Northern Virginia. He said “yes” to IVC following ten years of teaching theology and five years of parish ministry. Mike first fell in love with Ignatian spirituality during his time at Boston College, where he is proud to have the record for most theology courses taken as an undergraduate student. After BC, he was “ruined for life” twice as a Jesuit Volunteer in Bend, Oregon, and Houston, Texas. Mike rounded out his theological education as a Presidential Scholar at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Contemplative Leaders in Action and the 19th Annotated Spiritual Exercises have been fundamental to his continued formation. Currently, days are filled with working alongside his wife while she is teaching High School Spanish, two sons are distance learning, and new puppy is doing zoomies (sudden release of energy).


Examen Live! with OIS’s Ignatian Spiritual Direction Initiative


Examen Live! with The Jesuit Post